Beetle coin, BEET, is a cryptocurrency that is generally generated through mining process and also stake-able, it is an open source decentralized cryptocurrency that operates using the proof-of-work as its consensus mechanism.
I do really have a good time trading this coin, BEET, and so far so good I have been making profitable trades as BEET price increases progressively. Trading BEET is profitable because from its price chart its value fluctuates properly and enables traders to make awesome profits from sales. BEET is available on many crypto markets on some known exchange platforms, it can be stored mainly on hardware wallets. As preferred by me, I usually trade BEET on Crex24 for ETH but it can still be tradeable on BitZ, AEX, Mercatox and also on STEX and mainly paired with either USDT, BTC, ETH and CNC.
Moreover, I also get updates from Beetle coin Twitter account on the price changes and other details concerned with BEET. It has a good community support and also has an accessible website.
In conclusion, I strongly recommend it but also advise that you should also make your research to enable you decide wise.