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Review on Bitcoin SV by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

A cryptocurrency born of conflicts.

This criptomoneda arise with many controversies, being a Hard Fork of bitcoin cash, the developers say in different media that this coin represents the real bitcoin. Two of the BCH developers disagreed with the direction the project was taking
According to binance's technical information, it does not have the technical aspects that provide security to the project.
Disadvantages with the Ceo in different platforms, since Satoshi is awarded.
Even in declassified papers from a well-known website, he named the creator of this coin as a scam since he was in charge of falsifying an image, using arguments that contradict the idea of ​​SN and bitcoin.
BitcoinSV, according to official data, has the bitcoin protocol proposed by Satoshi. N. the vision of the project and the technical characteristics are those documented in 2008. It should be noted that it is a high risk asset for investment and although a stable state in the market remains unstable, the biggest problem is that it simply does not bring anything new , no important development is just another cryptocurrency for payments without special features.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 1 to 3
As always this asset continues to be the center of controversy, it is one of the most commented Allcoins since 2019 now in 2020 again, since it is still strongly accused of money laundering, as well as control of transactions in some exchanges that make it grow from exponentially its value, and what some argue that is not real and continue to doubt BSV.
-Currently there are serious charges of laundering and capital increase of different exchanges recognized in these practices.
-It is generally commented by well-known trades, which will soon come in a tailspin, and of course this will lose its value. However, this issue differs, and I consider that BSV will continue for a while since many support it.
In general, this cryptocurrency continues to talk about, and apparently its developer is getting everyone to talk about BSV, now we are going to give it a vote of confidence apparently it could beat BCH in capitalization and transactions. If it is really true we can see a possible winner of an old dispute.
Note: invest in this currency at your own risk
BSV High investment risk. ☑️

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 1 to 4
Taking into account the latest news related to the other currencies that resulted from BCH, it seems that the BSV team has reasons in favor in which some aspects were right, now with a more focused development team there were also internal disputes.

One of the most important aspects in which Bitcoin SV has progressed is in the stability of its services, scalability of the network. Now his team is focused on working to improve the network, at this moment it is more feasible to develop in BSV than in other bifurcated chains since it is totally stable.

This coin creates a precedent that things can be done better.

  • It uses the original BTC protocol.
  • Blocks for transactions with more capacity.
  • He was supported by many exchanges during his bifurcation.
  • It arises as a conflict between the BCH developers.
  • Binance slip by differences between some of the executives of the company.
  • It does not have innovations in the middle. that is, it does not bring anything new.
  • without consensus