empowr coin (EMPR): is a new project, which provides a basic trading platforms with a classic level of security in digital information transfers, allows the use of several services simultaneously, as it has its own intelligence that analyzes the orders of the markets and classifies according to interest and demand, its operating structure allows, it is an easy to use currency is ideal for small trade operations, is a project that is closely linked to blockchain services, as it is a decentralized project and allows to be free trade economically speaking, its platforms allows to achieve the greatest possible commercial convenience parta users, as it allows a secure electric commerce, transactions based on a specific code, security protocols in the background, open market analysis and blockchain solutions oriented to customers without so much business demand, its technologies process information very accurately allowing to offer solutions very quickly, considered that it has a mobile application in which it has all its ecosystem and can work directly from the mobile device, also integrates the wallet service which allows various currencies both native and third party currency, level of average market encryption.