Each individual input is treated separately. Let's say you were getting 100% APR (just for easier math):You made a 100 RBIES deposit. You hold for a year:The deposit would theoretically return 100 RBIES and all stake at onceYou made 2x 50 RBIES deposits. You hold for a year:You may stake one (for 50) and then the other later on (for 50)Ideally, you condense all inputs over time. I do it at 20 or so splits usually.
It's only on Yobit too which idk why as livecoin and ccex working fine. Lot more action lately too something must be brewing. Usually when a thread stays quiet on a good coin that means accumulation. No one wants to sell though the higher my buy orders go they get blocked by higher buys. I'm not screaming moon yet but throw me a bone here before lift off. Everyone is either staking or betting lmao.