This project lacks Lacks legit information according to the website The calling is said to be a proof of stake coin making a very high rate of resistance that is up to 51%. If you look at the website very well you'll find out that this project is actually two sided on the first side the talking is labelled with a loop logo and on the other side it has another logo which has proven to me that this project has no use it's like having a duplicate of itself and the value is not even encouraging it doesn't want anything when compared to BTC. I also check the social media accounts all the websites trying to gather more information to entice users on how to go about this coin the only thing I could find was the market cap the supply how long it has been traded but this futures didn't match the talking as it was said. For me I won't advise anybody to go for this talking because it is a scam and it has not be listed on any exchange. I tried searching for more information I tried reading the white paper but couldn't find any legitimacy of this coin there's no proper lol to back the foundation of this token in essence it has no legit licence it is just go on the website showing itself as a token which cannot be used to do anything. Because this project has not provide much data my review about it will not be long the only message that I want to pass out is to all the cryptocurrency uses not to engage their self in buying this talking for any reason because it has no future