This adapter is exactly as advertised but slightly better. It's thin and light. Installs easily with no problems. It was easy as pie and worked without any problems. The seller sent the adapter safely, with no doubt that it would arrive safe and sound, with all the cables, and the transaction went smooth as silk. If only every purchase were that easy. I will buy again from this trusted seller.
14" Laptop HUAWEI MateBook D 14"NBL-WAQ9R 1920x1080, AMD Ryzen 5 3500U 2.1GHz, RAM 8GB, DDR4, SSD 512GB, AMD Radeon Vega 8, Windows 10 Home, 53010TTB, Space Gray
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Wi-Fi router ASUS RT-AC66U, black
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Dell XPS 15 & Precision M3800 Genuine 130W Slim Power AC Adapter - High-Quality Charger for 9530, 9550, 9560, 9570, 5510, 5520, 5530 Laptops (HA130PM130/DA130PM130)
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14" Notebook ASUS VivoBook 14 X415EA-EB1313W 1920x1080, Intel Pentium Gold 7505 2 GHz, RAM 4 GB, DDR4, SSD 256 GB, Intel UHD Graphics, Windows 11 Home, 90NB0TT2-M00DT0, gray
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