Edit: After I posted this review, the seller kindly contacted me for a replacement. They shipped it quickly and it's a little bit better but still not on par with the similar device I've had in the past or the device I ended up buying. However, it seems that many people have had luck with it. I suspect that at this very reasonable price point there is a decent amount of variation in terms of quality. However, the seller is very helpful, the size and shape of the device is almost perfect and it's really great for music, but for calls the 2 I've used aren't that good. I'm sure some people have 5 star devices but I'll increase my rating to 3 as I think the best of the two I've had was a 3 star device. I want to thank Arestech for their outstanding customer service! First review below: So I bought this to replace a similar but different product. What's better about this new one: 1) The strongest FM transmitter I've seen on a device of this type. With all the similar products I've tried in the past, I've never been able to find a station that doesn't induce a little bit of static electricity at times. I just lived with it because I didn't think there was any other way. Not so with this one. It's always crystal clear and rock hard. In any case, background noise is not enough, to "break through" it. So listening to music with it is the best I could hope for without an extra jack on my head unit. 2) Looks better than the one it replaced AND prettier than most on sale in my opinion. This is of course subjective. 3) Remembers the frequency setting even if the device is completely disconnected from the power supply. I should also comment - many reviewers say this reduces the volume too much. This reduces it a bit. But cranking your phone's volume up as much as possible seems to compensate - and it doesn't distort as a result. In my opinion this is not a problem. Here's my problem: The speakerphone mic either doesn't work properly or it's awful. I tried several times phoning my wife using this device in a variety of positions in the car, including holding it a few inches from my mouth. In any case, she says it's awful and she barely understands what I'm saying and it stops. I can try to contact the seller for an exchange - maybe I just have a dud. If I make an exchange and it delivers better calls (that is - I can even call and be heard on the other end) I'll update this review. Except for the hands-free system, I am very satisfied with everything. I can't stress enough what a great FM station he is and how much of an influence he has on music. Unfortunately, the speakerphone is kind of a deal breaker for me. and it will allow for better calls (meaning I can generally make calls and be heard on the other end) I will update this review. Except for the hands-free system, I am very satisfied with everything. I can't stress enough what a great FM station he is and how much of an influence he has on music. Unfortunately, the speakerphone is kind of a deal breaker for me. and it will allow for better calls (meaning I can generally make calls and be heard on the other end) I will update this review. Except for the hands-free system, I am very satisfied with everything. I can't stress enough what a great FM station he is and how much of an influence he has on music. Unfortunately, the speakerphone is kind of a deal breaker for me.
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