I just got this yesterday and put the buckle on today so haven't actually worn it yet, but it's a leather belt, has a cool ratchet system instead of regular holes and looks like a regular everyday belt, according to Observer . Attaching the buckle, I heard you say? Yes, it's sort of one size and you'll need to cut it off at one end (the end where the buckle attaches) to fit your waist. I didn't quite understand how to do this, but searching Youtube helped me with this. Once you've reached your desired length (a few inches more than your actual waist size, that's fine to give you room to grow), slide the flatter end into the lower notch on the buckle. There is a small metal flap with sharp, pointed teeth that must then be closed to allow those teeth to sink into the skin. You have to be pretty strong, but I did it with my bare hands. This will attach the buckle to the belt. The other end then goes around the waist, through the belt loops and simply slides through the top buckle slot until you are the right size to hold the pants up and look professional. To release, simply pull slightly on the front of the buckle, pull the strap through the slot and release the buckle to re-engage the ratchet.