A nice copter overall, but despite its low price, you should give serious consideration to whether or not to get it first. To put it mildly, for the sake of advertising, YouTubers will lie about the quality of the video, flight range, and other characteristics. My advice to you is to carefully study its characteristics and to pay less attention to YouTubers who make these claims. The signal is weak, 200–300 meters, and even if there is no severe interference, video lags, or generally not a stable connection with the copter, the worry of losing it is nearly always present. There is no reason to discuss flights for structures or any other topic. The video quality has declined significantly over the years, especially when viewed on a standard computer display or television set; there is no longer any sense of sharpness, and the picture is becoming increasingly blurry. I don't get how folks can talk about how similar it is to the Mavic 2, because it's virtually exactly the same. Utter bullshit, don't trust it, check it out! As I do not require such a helicopter, I will have to sell it for a low price.