This light is limited by a simple switch. That little blob in the middle of a page isn't a physical button. If it were hidden under a closet, it would be too difficult to find the right spot without seeing the markings on the lamp. And even then, that single button keeps cycling through modes: off, color 1, color 2, color 3. That's a lot of extra button presses. Other bulbs we've tried let you pick your favorite color and then have a direct on/off cycle that sticks to it. This power switch is the only control for the light. Hold adjusts the brightness. No motion detection function, no remote control. The battery life is pretty good, over a week of infrequent testing, and it still shines brightly. The lanterns feature individual LED elements, which I think can be seen as a minor blemish on the fixture. The base for this lamp allows you to adjust the angle of the light. But it also means the light hangs a full inch lower than with a flat mount. The plan was to try under the kitchen cabinets, but I think it's too hard to get out of sight like that. So far I can't think of a single place where this would be practical. I think a button with no texture means it should be visible both where it is and should be illuminated by a different light.
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