The bike was exactly what I expected in terms of quality. It's plastic, but the construction is good for what it is. The desk mount was light and strong enough. The pedals work, but don't expect real pedals. They don't really have any built in resistance - they both click fairly easily. Braking is difficult to smooth/modulate, but you can get used to it. The paddle shifters are great and work well. There is no force feedback, but the wheel will vibrate when you leave the track, hit curbs, or ride over bumps. Overall good value for money, with a few caveats. In general, you have to get used to the steering wheel. I use it on a Windows 10 PC and drive Assetto Corsa and Forza Motorsport 7. Once you get used to it you can certainly get some decent track time and have fun. Tip: It's best to use a view where you can't see the car's dashboard or the driver's hands on the steering wheel. They never match the moves you are making and can be confusing in the long run. What frustrated me the most was that I was never able to determine the dead zone 100%. I heard/read it's possible but I couldn't. So there is always a little play in managing machines. This is not a problem on long, wide straights or in curves. But for fine tuning, like trying to really draw a line through the apex and exit, the play in the steering made it impossible to hit the exact lines I wanted. To be honest, I'm more accurate with the X-Box controller when it comes to speed. If you are a casual gamer/driver then this is probably fine for you. If you're looking for an introduction to racing sims where you want to spend a lot of time learning to drive and even being a bit competitive, this steering wheel isn't for you. In my opinion it lacks the precision needed to actually drive the cars on the tracks you want to race on. This is not an entry level racing simulator. I think you need to go for a G29 or TMX150/TMXpro to get a feel for the precision required for the steering and of course the force feedback.
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