I originally had a manual clamp that I bought for my Kreg. I found many other uses for it and bought another one. It wasn't long before I decided to try the self-adjusting clamps. These are the first brackets I reach for every time. On the other hand, I want the full capture coverage not to be too big. My hands are medium sized for men, but putting one of these clips on with one hand is a little tricky. A person with small hands will struggle, defeating the purpose of auto-adjustment. My manual Kreg clamp adjustment, once set for tightening, is easy to clamp with one hand. EDIT: I've seen some negative reviews where one person had auto-adjustment issues. I'm sorry their clamps didn't work, but I'm still very happy with mine. Sometimes my clamps won't tighten unless they're fully open to re-tension the auto-adjust mechanism. However, when they are wide open, they usually reset, so they work just fine. As far as over-tightening goes, they require an extra adjustment from time to time to ease the tension, but they're still preferred to my manual adjustment clamps.