It is well made, easy to read to my tired eye, reasonable price compared to other sellers. The only thing that let me down was the accuracy. It was deflected 1/16 inch. This may NOT be a big deal for contractors, but I'm not a contractor, I'm a carpenter. I strive for perfection and if I start wrong it doesn't help to get closer to the end of the project. I bought it for boards over 6 inches wide. Looks like I won't pull this out for any project.
Gaming chair AeroCool Baron, upholstery: imitation leather/textile, color: steel blue
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Laser rangefinder Xiaomi ATuMan Duka LS-P Laser Range Finder 40 m gray
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Accurately Measure Angles And Levels With GemRed XVB Digital Gauge Level Box For Pipe Conduit
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Cullaby Contour Gauge: 10 & 5 Inch Duplications For Perfect Templates Of Curved And Odd Shapes, Plus Bonus Angle Ruler & Carpenter Pen!
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