In all sims it was recognized without problems. Hands reached - put a rubber stop under the brake pedal. I would not say that it became much more realistic, but left it. Due to the metal case and the outside of the PSU, the steering wheel is quieter and heats up less - I compare it with the previous Thrustmaster TX, which burned out from overheating. To make sure that the review is real, I added another photo. And the fact that there are no other reviews - IMHO due to the fact that at a sufficiently high cost, a tangible difference, for which it makes sense to overpay, compared to other steering wheel models (except for an increase in FF) will be noticeable only in a few sims with a small audience - accordingly, they buy it infrequently. For sim cards like FM and arcades like FH it is redundant. But PC2 with it is just a bomb!