I like how easy it was, my room number showed up right away when i checked into an airport or train station! The only thing about this program its not free but if you have more than one person using them then they are worth every penny of their price tag!! It's very helpful at times where we need someone else present just because our phone isn't always with us so having something as simple yet effective gives peaceofmind knowing everything will be taken care off before heading home from work/traveling etc..
Sometimes there can sometimes get confused between what time zone im suppose too go by since some hotels use different hours depending upon location which makes life easier especially during traveling season such winter break travel seasons ect... This helps make sure everyone knows exactly whats going down prior leaving out office even though most companies don’t normally provide any sorta precheckout instructions other wise i would suggest getting 2 devices 1 pc &1 mobile device (phone)and.