You will be happier in the long run, despite the inconvenience of installing it in the attic. We gave up cable over a year ago and used a 50 mile table antenna with a booster. It worked well, but not as well as I had hoped since all of the station's antennas are within 30 miles or so of us. We put up with patchy stations that can decide at any moment not to receive a signal due to weather, tree leaves or lack thereof, PMS, slight changes in the dog's position, neighbors in the yards, etc. So, back to the drawing board. I went and decided to take this one. My husband installed it (it took almost a day but he has ADD so it takes 3 times longer than a person without ADD) and I was AMAZED that we had ALL THE CHANNELS. We mostly watch PBS and sometimes the Boston news station, but now we had a choice of 3 PBS stations, plus all the Boston stations and a few more. All the channels we caught on the first day are still running, despite the weather, the foliage, the position of the dogs. , the neighbors are mowing the lawn etc. And the bonus is that the antenna is nowhere to be seen as it is neatly tucked away in the attic and not scattered all over my living room hoping for a signal.
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