I've been pouring into Kalina for the second year, I switched from the semi-blue Elf 10w40. As it seemed, the engine runs a little quieter, it washes deposits from the engine walls well.
Magnetic Oil Drain Plug Bolt With Gasket Washer Seal Included - PitVisit Reusable Aluminum Plug (M14 X 1.5, Silver) For Optimal Engine Maintenance
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10Mm Drain Hose For Easy Oil Changes By RuggedMade
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Robot vacuum cleaner Roborock S7 with self-cleaning base RU, white
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Ford 6.0 Powerstroke Oil Dipstick 2003-2007 F250 F350 F450 F550 Super Duty Excursion Diesel Engine Replace 3C3Z-6750-AA 917-310
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