Straps are long enough to be adjusted and shortened as needed. They are really elastic, although maybe too elastic. I have found that I often have to adjust the density while wearing. The buckles are ok but not very good. The lower side fastener, which attaches the short sharp end to the buckle, opens from time to time. This causes the belt itself to slip and come loose. He just doesn't want to stay locked up. I suspect that's why I have to adjust the loose end of the strap so often. The belt loop that holds the loose end in place is not attached to the belt. Probably intentional as you can trim the belt to fit and may need the loop elsewhere. Due to the fact that it is loose and has a fairly large opening, the loops move and shift. Eventually the loop will be all the way back and will need to be reattached. Overall this is a decent belt at a reasonable price. I may have to replace the buckles. Also, I don't expect these belts to last multiple years. Elastic material used in other applications such as backpacks, seat covers, etc. it is prone to dry rot and becomes brittle over time. I can buy the inelastic version and try it.