Acquired in M video 2022160997. Through the online store. Convenient, picked up in a store near the house After 3 days. Parents already have a Xiaomi s5 model, which is considered the flagship, there is something to compare with. Roborock 4 completely suits me, in comparison with s5 it doesn’t lose in anything (the only thing it doesn’t draw a map in real time, but this is not a minus), we have a rather dusty apartment, I run it every day, how it helps me out! Yes, powerful (you can adjust the suction power through the program) the power automatically increases on the mat (it is also set in the settings) I bought it for a promotion of 14000 with a promo code, the price was more than happy. I took a friend for 15990, they also got into the action. It performs its functions with a bang, it is very smart, the components are the same as in higher models, by the way, it even has a more convenient water supply in the washing module (but this is a question for accessories). I'm 100% satisfied, not inferior to s5. It seems to me that it's even better. I definitely recommend it. It has a different orientation system than the s5, (which does not affect the quality of the Cleaning!) even due to the fact that there is no Lidar, the device itself is lower and passes at lower places.