Online retailer CEKER asserts that it carries all of the plumbing connections, industrial and scientific supplies, hydraulics, and pneumatics components that a customer could require. On the other hand, my dealings with this business were more akin to a terrifying nightmare than a pleasant reality. The website is disorganized and difficult to understand, and searching for the information you require feels like attempting to find your way through a labyrinth while wearing blindfolds. If you do eventually discover what you're looking for, then I wish you the best of luck with the checkout process! It has a texture that is comparable to that of sandpaper. And as for the expenses, don't even get me started on that. Because they are situated at such a lofty height, you will require a scaffold to access them. CEKER is not the location to go if you are looking for fittings because they do not sell them. Try not to give yourself a backache and go shopping somewhere else instead.