It helped me map my process flows in our organization which resulted into better flow of work from start-to end within one team or department! Nothing really dislike that I can share with others who need mapping assistance but it could have more templates as there are some gaps between them!! If you want an overview about your business then go ahead! Map out all possible operations (even those not thought)and write down each step using diagramming tools available like mindmup etc!! And this will help visualize how tasks gets handled when they're assigned among multiple people/teams - whether at organizational level & across teams inside org too :) The ease of use, the quality control of its reports, the ability to track progress of tasks. The fact that it is free to use up until 5 users. That's it! Nothing really, I like the software because it helps me in my daily work as an HR Manager. It facilitates the management of task related information, documents and makes our jobs easier by making collaboration between teams possible. This software also allows us to create customised reports which suits our needs.