Well it works. It's easy to program, but you'll lose time immediately if you turn it off. I find this odd as it saves other memory functions. I suppose one way to make the timer more reliable would be to hook it up to an outlet timer that briefly cuts power at midnight every night to reset the clock to zero. one above a few others, but it's not a full ramp timer. It will gradually increase the intensity over 15 minutes for sunrise and sunset, however there are only 2 set points for each channel: on time and off time. I was hoping to start the day with white light and gradually transition to blue in the evening, mimicking the high intensity of midday like my other general reef light, but that's not possible with this timer. You're stuck with the same intensity throughout the day except for very brief periods in the evening and morning. If you want less activity in the evenings, you'll have to manually override the timer each day or buy a different timer. Most ramp timers work differently: you have 3 to 4 timed set points and you set the intensity at those points for each channel, then gradually increase it over a set period of time. It's much more useful. Another downside is that it's not waterproof at all. A quick accidental dip in salt water will destroy this thing. I wouldn't even call it splashproof, so be careful.
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