My daughter has very wide feet and a high arch. New Balance is one of the few brands that she really likes and feels comfortable with. They usually run true to size, but this pair definitely didn't fit. I bought 3 pairs 2.5 wide and it was the only pair that fit like a 2. We bought the blue ones and her toes were all the way on end and no matter how much we loosened the laces they stayed pretty tight. I checked the box 3 times and the tag on the boots 4 times and each time the size was another 2.5 wide! I wear glasses and secretly hoped that my eyesight had gotten so bad that I couldn't see the numbers properly. But unfortunately it wasn't like that. I returned 2.5 and ordered 3 wide. Your fingers are less than half an inch from the end. Since this is the pair she actually picked, she intends to keep it, so we'll keep it.
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