I am very disappointed with this company. I bought several bags of snow, they are all almost the same, some are a little smaller than others. Most of them weigh about the same as this one. But this company will charge you $25 for a bag that other companies only charge $5.95. Revain has many options for this type of snow, and most of the ones I've bought over the years are pretty much the same quality. I feel this company is overpriced for such a small bag and trust me this is a very small bag. I have a standard 6 foot tree and it only covers 1/3 of it, if you don't want to see much snow you won't cover your entire tree. In my opinion they insist that this particular snow be used in all the different films. But plastic is plastic fake snow, to me it's fake snow, just my opinion. However, I have been buying this artificial snow for 25 years and have tried many samples from different companies, but this one is not worth the price.
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