-- Very convenient angled design for easy access to connectors. -- All-metal construction. -- The clip is also made entirely of metal and holds up well. I was able to plug and unplug the power cord without having to hold the extension cord to keep it from twisting. I've used it without the included washer and have found that the washers don't hold tangential force as well or the clip rotates and slips more with it than without. -- The clamp is up to 1 5/8 inches thick, which should be enough for most tables and countertops. -- A good long cable with an angled spade connector that makes it easy to share the power strip it was plugged into. .-- I haven't used USB ports and am only interested in AC outlets.-- At $31, it's a little pricey, but a cursory review of other desktop outlets shows them to be in the bottom 20% price range for cost .
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