I'm sure it's ok if you don't keep plugging the cable into your laptop like I do. If you're looking for a solid cable that you don't have to keep plugging and unplugging then I'm sure this would last. I just wanted to connect my laptop to our TV and the connection just didn't last a month? or two? must be plugged in and unplugged. However, it worked fine. I read a lot of good and bad reviews to get a good idea of the product. People who say it sucks are probably plugging and unplugging it a lot. Which in this case could be crap. But for others who plug it in once and then leave it alone, they're probably in love. Good luck anyway, and it's a great prize to play with. But then again, not if you're constantly connecting and disconnecting. Those who want to save money just need to connect and disconnect a little 90 degrees. Angle adapter to ensure the cable holds. I did this with my better cable to make sure it would hold up without wearing out the cable itself.