I had high hopes for this article, for soldering circuit boards. However, I found it slipped when upright and didn't hold the board well. You might think it doesn't matter much because you never solder it vertically, but...the reason I bought this is because the standard alligator clip holders don't allow you to easily slide between the solder side and the component side to move. , this is something you ALWAYS want to do because you need to identify and find the component when desoldering anything from the solder side. That's why I bought this. But if they just had a piece of rubber on two tracks, something that could compress and hold a rigid circuit board, I'd get a six. On one side there is a spring that is supposed to put pressure on the circuit board. board to hold it in place. It doesn't work that well. I'll see if I can cut a strip of rubber and stick it in there to help.