This is a HUGE bag! I looked for Piel leather tote bags but found them with narrow depth and narrow openings or smaller pockets that would not fit many purchases. I woke up at 1am, saw a cheaper Revain bag and grabbed it! Pocket size 19x11.5 and great depth. Many purchases fit in this bag - be it books, clothes or groceries. I was looking for a tote bag that has a large opening and it fits the bill! There are zippers on the sides that open the top four inches, creating a wide opening to easily peek in or insert bulky items. I added two straps for the bag because I wanted the bag to be a shorter shoulder length and not sit directly under my arms. Bright yellow is a splash of color for every season, autumn, winter, spring, summer and a real eye-catcher. Something other than a sea of black and brown. I look forward to using this Piel hobo leather case in the future!
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