Okay, the lists of these bags are a bit confusing. Depending on the color/size, some appear to close completely and some don't. Also, most of the photos from the reviews show that the bag is fastened along the entire length. For this reason I was initially disappointed when I received my blue bag and it did not open from 3 sides. I expected this to be the design and it was what I wanted. My first reaction was to return it as wrong, but when I looked closely at the listing and the description of the size and color (blue) I had chosen, it actually showed the bag with only one hole on the side. Based on some other reviews it seems to me that they changed the design to a side opening because people complained about laptops falling out due to the 3 way zipper design. I'm disappointed that this type of sloppiness is so common that the company no longer offers a 3-way zip bag, but I think it's a smart move for them. There seems to be a few more in this style but not my favorite colour/size. So I will keep this one. The color is very pretty and the bag fits my 13.3" MacBook Air perfectly. I chose this bag because of the bumpers around the laptop. With other bags I was afraid that the corners might get scratched. I like also the smaller zipped compartment. I have a power cord in it and a lot more room. This makes the bag a bit bulky, but that happens with every bag. So, I recommend this bag, but please take a good look at your size/color list to order to see what style of zipper is being used UPDATE - I just got a clear Fintie case for my MacBook and it still fits in this case It's definitely comfortable but it fits
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