My daughter is 4ft 5" and usually wears a US brand size 10/12. I ordered this Hopeac Girls jogging skirt in a size 11/12 because I was concerned it might be too small. I think 10/11 would suit her a bit better because this one is quite long and doesn't add flare at the hem to this cute tennis skirt. The sizing is a little confusing due to overlapping numbers, but I'd recommend going lower rather than higher if you're used to American clothing shopping. Skirt made of sports material, very elastic and light. I think it's a little transparent, which probably isn't an issue with any of the non-white options, but it doesn't look as opaque as it does in the photos of the model. He also has built-in shorts. My daughter doesn't play tennis, but we bike and hike a lot. This is a good option for our hot Arizona summer.
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