This is a mixed review. It's stylish enough that my wife even wears it in a dress and neutral enough that I can take it with me. The zippers are very strong. The fabric is durable. The back is adequately padded and the reinforced bottom ensures the bag stays upright normally. And it's very convenient to wear. We had no issues with the straps. But the latch broke within the first month of use. The clasp was a useless design anyway - when the bag or bag is full it's hard to close. Not that we like this bag, because you leave it open and fold the top over, everything comes out. And we also had the same problem with the side pocket detaching. Unfortunately, the bag ripped right after the 90-day guarantee expired. The problem with the side pockets is that they don't have creases - they are cut to the same size as the width of the side panels. So when the bag is full, the bag has no flexibility and the seam is not reinforced. Also, when empty, it hardly packs with a 15-inch MacBook, and it won't pack if you pack something else with the laptop. I don't think the back straps are strong enough to hold up over time but so far they've been great and comfortable. I'm not sure we'll be buying it again until those features are redesigned, but since it's exactly the same size as the free personal item for European flights, it paid for itself rather than paying for carry-on luggage.
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