Purchased on the internet with delivery included. The software ran smoothly and there were no issues to report; everything is user-friendly. Yet, I was somewhat aback by how rapidly a mouse that supports a double click and costs that much became available. These Omrons have a lifespan of only 20 million clicks, whereas the Noname switches in office mouse may be purchased for 500 British pounds. I am following the store's warranty and sending it in by mail; we will see what they have to say about it. I am adding. Already in the second month of use, the rubber bands on the mouse that was replaced because it was defective and sent back to the manufacturer under warranty began to peel off. The new mouse is slightly lower in quality than the old one (on the old one they were in perfect condition at the time of the exchange). After three to four months, there was an extremely unusual double click. I am very careful with the mouse, and I never let it out of my sight. Everything from games to work was simple and straightforward before the invention of the double click. I doubt it's just luck. It would appear that there will be a second replacement provided by the warranty immediately prior to the expiration of the period of coverage.