This is the first time I use this type of product. I knew they existed but never needed them, they are great! I have 4x114.3 patterned rims that were ground to ovals and not balanced, 4x100 didn't bother. Nice set of rims I think are worth $50 I'm glad I did. The adapters fit easily, the rims fit easily on the adapters and are perfectly balanced. These tires give you a wider fit, 2 inches doesn't sound like much (it isn't) but it helps me. I put them on a 1987 Nissan MegaMax with factory ground effects and skirts. Even with 205 40R-17 tires the wheel arches weren't quite filled out but after I fitted these adapters the added 1 inch straightened the tires evenly with the liners and skirts. You look good.