As someone who cares deeply about the amount of waste I create and the good I can do about it, I always thought I was just unlucky in the toothbrush department. . Then I found this one! I was concerned that if I got my hands on it, I would completely sacrifice a toothbrush that worked well for a brush that was slightly better for the environment, made in the USA and by a company that has long been very conscientious. and philosophy. I agreed. Well, no sacrifice is required. These toothbrushes work just as well as the $5 Oral B toothbrushes I've bought my whole life. No, they're not gummed like Oral B, and they don't have that nice blue dye that rubs off when I use it (in my mouth, ugh), so I know when to throw it out and buy a new one. . My grip and eyes work well, they can do the job on their own. But they clean my teeth really well! The handle is also curved so I can get all my teeth! Here's a tip: If you love these toothbrushes but don't need a travel case with every toothbrush, you can also order the same toothbrushes in a really practical shipping bag. (You can return them, postage paid, to the manufacturer to be recycled and used again! We've come full circle. Awesome!) Toothbrush Storage Mailing Adult Medium Color Sky Blue 6-pack I love these toothbrushes. I don't buy others. I only get them by car delivery. Perfect!
Дикий топливный зубной пробиотик: свежее дыхание и поддержка здоровой микрофлоры - жевательные таблетки без сахара для ухода за полостью рта - 45 мятных жевательных таблеток в удобном путешественническом баночке.
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