EDAs ability to gather and display very useful data, on a monthly basis, for our clients is the best. This makes our job very simple. The only thing you have to remember is to keep the data updated with latest data, otherwise it has no effect on the data presented. EDA is an accurate software with great data and user friendly interface. I highly recommend it. It is very user friendly with very good data. It makes my job very simple and very effective. It is very easy to implement and use. Also, EDAs customer support works great. As an information technology professional, EDAs customer support is great. It is easy to use. It is very easy to use. Therefore, I highly recommend it to everyone. I am using it to gather data from our client for their own use. It helps me to find the contact information of the clients very easily. It helps me in collecting the important information for the clients. This helps me to deliver the data to other people. I like that it is very easy for me as an Engineer/Project Manager to navigate through this software when searching potential suppliers or customers. It can be difficult at times trying to figure out what exactly you are looking up within the database which makes finding information slow sometimes. Very helpful tool for engineering projects where we need to search many different databases such as supplier catalogs, product datasheets etc.