The shoes came quickly as in the photo and look good. For the price these shoes are good and they fit. I was concerned because I had to buy a pair of shoes without actually trying them on, but they are comfortable and fit snugly without feeling too tight or pinching my toes. I wear 10.5" shoes, but some brands of shoes require me to choose 11". I bought size 44 EU and it fits well. When walking, one of my shoes slipped a little on my foot, but nothing serious. Doesn't slip while driving. This is most likely because my legs are asymmetrical rather than ill-fitting. I can say it doesn't cause much friction but I'm sure the inner heel lining will wear out a bit more on this shoe. The shoe is great for the amount I paid for it compared to other spike support cycling shoes. I've paired them with a single sided SPD cleat with a regular pedal on the other side and they work fine. I wish I had a reversible pedal because it's not easy to snap when the pedal smacks between the cleat and the pedal. The shoes aren't to blame though.
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