I bought this bag for my 12lb Shih Tzu and she loves it! It fit perfectly under the airplane seat in front of me and I was even able to open one side (see picture). Note, however, that if there is space in the aisles on the sides, there is not enough room for expansion. You have to sit either in the middle or by the window to expand it. While we waited at the gate, I widened both sides to give our dog more freedom of movement. I even opened the top of the bag so she could stick her head out. By stretching out at least one side, I was able to fit a small bowl of water in the pocket for her to have while flying. If you have a small dog and are looking for a holdall, I highly recommend this one! It fits under the seat, meets Alaska Airlines sizing requirements, and expands to give your furry child more space. It's also better quality than our previous bag which I bought from PetSmart and paid a bit more for!
Переноска для животных Sapine Airlines одобренная авиакомпанией с миской, удостоверением личности животного, светоотражающей полосой, переноска для путешествий для кошек, средних и маленьких собак - мягкая переноска для щенков, портативная для кошек.
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MG Collection Стильная двухцветная стежаная мягкая переносная сумка для путешествий для домашних животных: идеально подходит для маленьких и средних кошек, собак и щенков.
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Dry dog food GO! Skin+Coat, for skin and coat health, lamb 1 pack. x 1 pc. x 11.3 kg
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🐾 Turtleneck Pet Sweater with Leash Hole - Cute Winter Knitwear for Small Dogs and Cats with Snowflake Pattern - Cold Weather Clothes Outfit by BINGPET
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