With a product like this and at this price point, the most common point of frustration is with wheels. They are usually of poor quality. not this one. In fact, the swivel and locking casters are quite well made and large enough to maneuver over bumps, cords, and uneven floors. Excellent work! Assembly is easy, but you really need a rubber mallet. A normal hammer will not work. It also helps to have a solid piece of wood, say 1" x 1" x 6" long, to hammer in the wheels. Place the tree in the center of the roller frame and tuck in until the wheels are fully seated. . The rest of the assembly is easy, 5 minutes or less. The product is durable and can withstand a lot. The fact is that I ordered this car, received it the next day, assembled it, loaded it with "things" and drove it. drove a bit and ordered a trolley right away, I think a second order is a pretty good recommendation.