This is a great cheap lightweight hat. I have this when running and hiking to protect my face from the sun and my hair from my eyes. I usually wear a baseball cap, and these caps get sweaty, smelly, and sweat-stained after a few uses. I'm tired of changing baseball caps every few months. This hat is lightweight and breathable which keeps my head cool. This hat is perfect for my needs. The only complaint is that it's not the coolest hat. You wouldn't be the type to look cool. But I don't care what it looks like as long as it does what I need it to do. So far it's been great. I've run in it probably 20 times and it still doesn't smell. It doesn't absorb sweat like cotton baseball caps. It looks cheap but the price reflects that. That's 1/4 the cost of my baseball caps, so even if they fall apart in 5 months I'll buy a new one. I think I could get a year of normal use on this hat.
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