There is no alternative as such . If you travel by public transport - an irreplaceable thing . Its pros: Gorgeous graphics. Big screen. Convenient interface for working with multimedia. The colors (in advanced mode) are more interesting than in 2022. Ideal paired with SPS3. Cons: Maybe this only applies to my copy, but. Weak sound, not in terms of volume, but in terms of bringing out the entire frequency range . On most modern phones, the speaker is better . The optimal viewing angle of the display is 90 degrees . That is, in order to see everything normally, you need to keep it perpendicular to the lines of the eyes . Lying down is not so critical, but if you stand or sit, you have to either raise it too high or twist your hands unnaturally. . On the street, even on a cloudy day, it is very hard to see, you can’t see anything at all in the sun . Everything is in order with the contrast, the backlight is like that . I compared it with the phone, the earth and the sky . Flimsy battery cover. The battery itself from the declared 6 hours, holds 5 and below . All this may be the disadvantages of exclusively my device .