My 15 yo grandson really loved these but they were a little large in the waist - he's 5'10" 185 lbs and usually an XL / 36, so we purchased the 37. Unfortunately, these just tie at the front of the waist, it doesn't cinch around the waist, so it really couldn't be adjusted. The fabric was lightweight (but not see through), very soft and comfortable, they look like high end trunks and the design was subtle and classic (black and white gradient), the fit was good all around, right length, not bulky through the hips or too loose in the legs. They were just a little large in the waist, not a lot, but he wasn't going to risk losing his shorts in the ocean! He loved the zippered pocket and that there's no mesh, and I even considered altering them, it would be very simple to do, but really didn't have the time before leaving for Cali.
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