Best! Works like a dream. Slips and slides out easily. Automatically stays in place when pulled out. When you press the release button, it closes or becomes the shorter length you want. Unlike others that require you to press a button to hold it in place and it usually isn't strong enough to hold the band or breaks easily. I've used it extensively. Including measured 19 windows to order blinds. Strength and flexibility are an advantage. I've used a few in the past that had a permanent kink or bend in the metal and never worked the same way. This one might have been pink, but it didn't flinch. Even though I bent in the narrow gap and held it with my foot, it stayed true and straight. I'm not very good with those tiny lines on a traditional tape measure, and this one is SO easy to read with the fractions printed right on it. Makes my life a lot easier! How did I live without her?