1. Discount so keep this in mind as you read. But there is a reason, for me they were a great tool for $$. I've had a DCD797 20V drill, screwdriver, impact drill for about 4 months. I use it almost every day and can't say anything good about it. I work as a technician in a medical facility and my duties change from day to day. The drill has to be small enough to toss in my tool bucket but powerful enough to punch through concrete. The vast majority of my jobs could be considered renovations, but I can have a dozen a day. I like the ergonomics of the handle and the designer light angles. The clutch system is worth the money, as is the ability to run a 1-1/2-inch scoop through 2X4s. I have 1 slight annoyance although the forward/reverse switch doesn't have a distinct click/feel when walking one to the other but hasn't lost tremendous value yet. Currently rather fit and feeling the problem. If you're in the market and around for an easy-to-use drill press, pull the trigger.