On the other hand, the Xbox 360 is a wonderful invention. Despite the fact that I've been playing for a few months now, the prefix has not yet been flashed. There are even in-depth tutorials available, in addition to folks from Youtube who do not burn; nevertheless, I don't want to mess with my prefix since, depending on the firmware, you could be barred from playing in Live. The joystick is also convenient, but at first it kept failing, and I was unable to learn in any way. Eventually, I learned a little bit about how to use it. It is true that it runs on batteries, and you will need to replace them at least once every two weeks, if not more frequently. To put it simply, I play Grand Theft Auto V and exclusives, and the rest of the games I play on the computer. This is due to the fact that I do not see the point in spending money on a game that is only five times more expensive on the computer. Let's talk about live now. They say that I bought the game for $2,599, and in order to play online, you also need to pay for a subscription. However, I don't see the point in either of those things. I purchased Kinect on its own, but I'm not using it because it has too much lag and I don't have any games that are designed for Kinect. The prefix is peaceful, but it heats up to the point that you can make scrambled eggs on it; consequently, you have to turn off the box so that it can cool down and rest. In general, I give it a score of 4. The game-related nature of the prefix compels me to recommend that you acquire a gamer.