The bike was bought new in a well-known online store at the end of the season with a discount. The bike has a very serious factory packaging - thick cardboard, the frame is wrapped with paper, everything is fastened with ties so that it does not hang out during transportation. The kit includes the cheapest non-separable and non-rotating Chinese pedals. All bushings are overtightened - it’s not easy to adjust because the keys are used for 15 and 13. Most importantly, there is a discrepancy between the width of the fork paw between the dropouts and the front wheel axle. The fork is 98mm wide (clear) and the wheel hub is 92mm wide. That is, if someone thoughtlessly tightens the wheel, irrevocable (and non-warranty!) deformation of the fork is guaranteed! Moreover, in May of this year, the hub axle was supplied with a width of 96 mm (I checked this with the user on the review). In general, no problem - just put washers 3 mm thick on each side. But why should the buyer think about it . As a result, I left this bike, for a start, simply placing washers under the fork dropouts. I wrote a letter to the seller to request from the manufacturer instead of washers enlarged locknuts, or just additional nuts of 3 mm on each side (there is a fine thread on the axis and its parameters are unknown). In general, it may not work just to assemble this bike right away! Handmade Chinese work - each product is individually . Instruction - no! If the manufacturer sends me nuts, then at least there is someone to contact with the service.
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