Before ordering I checked the measurements to make sure my existing tray would fit, but I didn't consider how much bigger it would be than my tray. Fully assembled, it takes up more space in my kitchen than I would like. This is a tool-less build, but I think a few screws would make it more solid and definitely easier to put together. The first four parts (base, back and two sides) came together very quickly. The instructions have many pages in multiple languages, but just pictures and arrows on the parts are enough to tell you what to do. Where the back and sides meet there are a couple of tubular indentations that look like there needs to be a plastic peg to hold them in line, but such detail isn't included. The hinged front door is also pretty easy to connect. However, installing the summit took many times longer than the time to get there. With no screws to hold the sides in line with the back, it was difficult to align the tabs and notches so I could push the top down. I straightened one side, then rotated it to grab the back or the other side, and then the first side came loose. Finally put it in place. But again, a few screws holding the sides at right angles to the back would make the whole process easier. It's not as attractive as I had hoped. Mostly brown plastic with some wood grain and faux boards. I'm not sure it's any more attractive than the plastic dome on my litter box. When I finished assembling it I realized that this is not the best design for a litter box. So you can open the front, pull out the tray and either empty it or take it out. To scoop out the pen at the back of the drawer, you have to pull it almost all the way out and then grab it out. then bend down to scoop. Between the bulk, the plastic look, and the need to pull the tray all the way out to pick up junk, I'm not thrilled with this case.
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