The data grid allows users to visually edit their data without typing. This saves a tremendous amount of time compared to typing everything into a spreadsheet. The ability to copy and paste rows from one table to another also saves time. For instance, if you wanted to add the total of a column of numbers from a row in Table 1 to a column in Table 2, you could use a button to copy the row and paste it into Table 2. Once copied, the number column in Table 2 would show the sum of the values from Table 1. You could also add columns to existing tables or delete columns from existing tables. These actions would not require any manual data entry; they would be performed automatically. Another benefit of Handsontable is that it offers the ability to save data directly from the data grid. You can export the current state of your data grid to CSV format, or import a saved file. You can choose whether to export the whole table or just specific cells. You can also control the formatting of exported data, such as adding new lines, indenting text, and applying color to cells.