I have a special relationship with the 35mm focal length. In fact, this is the only lens I use for all purposes and purposes. For a long time I dealt with the Canon 35 1.4L, in which I was absolutely not satisfied with the picture at the open aperture, more precisely, the normal working aperture began with F2, you could never think about F1.4 at all, because the soap was soapy. In addition, after a year of operation, the rubber of the focusing ring came off. When sigma appeared, I quietly smiled, thinking that this glass would be soap at all, but as soon as I compared them in work, I was simply shocked. The Sigma delivers a picture far superior to the Canon L, at a price that's 30% cheaper! F1.4 Razor sharp, now I shoot all my photos at 1.4, closing to 2.8 I get an incredibly sharp picture across the entire field of the frame. In the work of 2 months, without complaints, af smart, in the dark it works without problems, as well as in the backlight.