As the manufacturer claims in one of the answers above (about softness), these six brushes have a "normal" softness. Over the years I've tried medium and even hard out of curiosity (which is really horrible for enamel) and it actually hits the spot: not so soft that you have to replace it every week or two, but not that hard either. to break the one rule every dentist I know has said: Only soft brushes - any brand, with all the bells and whistles to make you happy! I've read more than once that it's beneficial to change your toothbrush about every month due to wear and tear and bacteria. And at this price, why not? As for the ergonomics of handles, brushes, etc., remember that everyone has different teeth, mouth, hand, and finger sizes, so for goodness sake if you want custom toothbrushes, get out your wallet and hire someone . design one just for you! In closing, I may sound like a hawker for the manufacturer, but I'm about to buy another new pack and have seen many whining complaints about 50 cent toothbrushes and couldn't help but whine at them. They're cheap and soft enough, so ask for any of the other fifty things you buy here - if you haven't already.
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