Handles are round, not as comfortable to hold as plastic handles, but still. The toothbrush head in my mouth is a bit bigger and chunkier than a plastic toothbrush - whatever. I like the texture of the wood - it's like a popsicle in my mouth. It's frustrating, but I'd rather die in a climate catastrophe. But it's about stubble. Considering they aren't compostable and I can't throw them in the trash, there's no excuse for my manure bristles. Nevertheless, they wear out after a week or two. I have NEVER worn out the bristles on my toothbrush and am a bit lazy to replace them (sometimes it takes 8 months). a year used in just a few weeks. At this rate I have to change my toothbrushes every 2-4 weeks and between shipping and nylon I'm not sure it's much better than just using a plastic toothbrush for 6-8 months. I thought I could get over this but since the bristles are no longer facing forward I have no way of directing them into the gum line and it just doesn't work for me. I had to start scraping my teeth with a toothpick after brushing to get the dirt off my gumline. It's a shame because they're cute. But these toothbrushes have ONE JOB and they don't do it.
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